
About US

唐山胜利机械制造有限公司 (Tangshan CVIC Machinery Manufacturing Limited) 是一家集研发、生产、销售和服务于一体的综合性实业公司,业务范围包括竖炉球团、链篦机-回转窑球团、带式机球团的造球、筛分、布料、系列设备以及蘑菇果蔬烘干机系列产品的设计、研发与生产     


      多年来我们积极拓展海外业务,通过与大型工程咨询公司和设计院合作,产品销往海外多个国家和地区。2017年,我公司在加拿大温哥华(Vancouver, Canada) 注册成立了海外公司 (CVIC Inc. Canada),开始筹备技术研发中心并且组建全球化的销售网络。此外我公司在加拿大开始与行内企业进行交流和深度合作。


    公司始终坚持创新解决方案 (Innovative Solutions) ”为宗旨,以胜在质量,利于长远为经营理念,用优质的产品和一流的服务真诚回报信赖与支持我们的广大客户,并热忱欢迎你们光临指导,我们真诚期待与您的合作!





     3、带式焙烧机球团系列设备: 圆盘造球机、辊式筛分机、辊式布料器、往复布料器、宽皮带机、皮带机等。

     4、烘干系列设备: 鹿茸菇烘干机、猴头菇烘干机、木耳烘干机、果蔬烘干机等。


Established in 1982, CVIC Group is a leading manufacturing and trading enterprise specializing in R&D, manufacturing, and sales of iron ore pelletizing and sintering plant equipment and industrial ceramics. Its manufacturing Centre is located in Tangshan, in the province of Hebei, China, which is the largest steel-producing city and one of the most important heavy industrial cities in the world. Our international office is located in Vancouver, Canada. 

Tangshan CVIC Machinery Manufacturing Ltd

Specializing in R&D, manufacturing, and sales of iron ore pelletizing and sintering plant equipment as well as steel manufacturing equipment. 

Tangshan CVIC Industrial Ceramics Ltd 

Focusing on R&D, manufacturing, and sales of fire bricks, physical & chemical ceramics, fused silica products, abrasion resistant ceramics, special shaped ceramics, which can be used in iron ore pelletizing industry and many other primary industries.  

CVIC Inc. (Canada)

Specializing in R&D, international marketing, and sales of iron ore processing equipment designed and manufactured by CVIC and many other world-leading technology strategic partners in North America.